Friday, 21 December 2007

The complaints procedure - Stage 3

An Independent Complaints Panel made the following recommendations

  • That the paragraph containing the threat of a POVA be retracted from the report

  • That a letter be sent to me within 10 working days of receipt of the report by the Director of Social Services

  • That this letter should confirm that there have, at no point been any adult protection concerns and that the Authority apologise fully and without reservation for the distress, alarm and threat caused by this statement (ie the mention of a POVA)

Friday, 12 October 2007

The complaints procedure - Stage 2

The Report by an Investigating Officer from the council took 6 months rather than the required 5 weeks. In it 3 out of my 5 complaints were upheld. One complaint couldn’t be addressed as the social worker involved had left the authority and was subsequently investigated by the Care Standards In Wales Agency.

The final complaint ie that the assessment was not in Pete’s best interests was responded to with a threat to call a Protection Of Vulnerable Adults Case Conference with the recommendation that Pete be made a Ward of Court if I didn’t agree to an assessment.

This basically means that Social Services would make an allegation that I was abusing Pete by not acting in his best interests and therefore shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions for him.

As a GP it would automatically trigger a POVA Case Conference to investigate me professionally and a Child Protection Case Conference would be called for Catrin.

As well as affecting my work and family life a POVA would also mean I would be unable to continue my work with children and young people.

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

The complaints procedure - Stage 1

I initially made a formal complaint to Cardiff County Council.
According to their own protocol a response is required from the Council within 10 working days.
No response was received.
When prompted with a further letter a response arrived but Pete’s surname was incorrect and the Team Manager did not address any of the issues raised.